Bill Leon Community and University Service


2019-present. Board member, Camp United We Stand, a sanctioned, itinerant homeless camp in Seattle and Shoreline.

2018-present. Board member, Lake Forest Park Stewardship Foundation (a local environmental education and action organization).

1992-present. Member, secretary, and past president of Board of Directors, Auroville International U.S.A. (a non-profit organization providing support to the universal, international township of Auroville, India).

2002-present. Volunteer to Lake Forest Park Stream Keepers (local water quality research group).

2000-2012. Developer of and advisor to service-learning program that takes University of Washington students to Auroville India to learn and work on community projects.

2000-2010. Advisory Board Member, Thornton Creek Project / Home Waters Project, Seattle, Washington.

2002-2003. Facilitator of development of International House dormitory for volunteers working in Auroville, India.

2001-2002, Advisor and courier for program to collect and deliver $2,500 in school supplies for Isai Ambalam School in rural South India.

2007-2008. Member Lake Forest Park 100 Year Legacy Project to develop strategies and ordinances to protect and expand natural and public environments in the City.

1994-1998. Co-initiator and facilitator in the development of a public, charter school called GLOBE stressing global and local objectives for better education through an international, interdisciplinary, coherent curriculum linked to service-learning opportunities (funded with $2.5 million in State allocations over five years).

1995-1998. Board Member, President of the Board, GLOBE (Global and Local Objectives for Better Education) Charter School.

1997. Co-Coordinator, Colorado Springs Community Summit, to facilitate the development of cooperative solutions to pressing local problems in all issue areas.

1996. Community development and environmental mediation consultant to Colorado Springs Environmental Services Division on Golf Acres toxic spill.

1996. Community development consultant to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 8 on training and community development methodology for Community-Based Environmental Protection Strategy.

1996. Community development consultant and evaluator of Artist in Residence programs in Springfield and Las Animas, Colorado for Young Audiences, Inc.

1996. Research consultant to El Paso County Sheriff’s Department on neighborhood survey design and methods.

1996. Consultant to Colorado AmeriCorps Program.

1996. Volunteer, Safe House redesign committee for Center for the Prevention of Domestic Violence.

1996. Volunteer, lawn sprinkler installation team for Bijou House Soup Kitchen.

1996. Participant in Community Alliance of Community Service and Community Development Organizations in Colorado Springs.

1995. Member, Sustainable Communities Task Force, Governor’s Smart Growth and Development Initiative.

1993. Advisor to El Paso County Court System on study of the over-representation of minorities in the criminal justice system.

1995. Advisor to Colorado Springs School District 11 on the management of discussion of relevant community and funding issues with the district staff in preparation for community involvement efforts to seek funding via an upcoming bond election.

1995. Consultant to Nucla and Naturita, Colorado on potential economic impacts of a potential loss of its major employer.

1995. Consultant to Holyoke, Colorado on the community, environmental and economic impacts of anticipated growth.

1995. Consultant to Colorado Springs task force evaluating reasons for the over-representation of minorities in the criminal justice system.

1995. Consultant to Teller County, Colorado on a political agenda survey to guide government decision making.

1994-1995..Co-Chair, Enrichment Committee to develop science play/learning events for the Ruth Washburn Cooperative Preschool in Colorado Springs.

1995. Organizer, Neighborhood Building Teams Project to rehabilitate substandard housing in low-income, Colorado Springs neighborhoods with youth being trained in community organizing, community development and construction skills.

1995. Organizer of student-staffed, Spring Break Wildfire Hazard Mitigation Project in Teller County, Colorado.

1995. Advisor, Graffiti Removal Project, Hillside Neighborhood, Colorado Springs.

1995. Facilitation consultant and facilitator for Pikes Peak Region conference on growth to identify regional concerns related to undesirable rates of growth.

1995. Facilitator for Governor’s State-Wide conference on “Smart Growth and Development” to identify state and regional concerns related to undesirable rates of growth.

1995. Adopt-a-park volunteer to patrol Garden of the Gods Park in Colorado Springs.

1995. Research consultant to Pikes Peak Area Agency on Aging on survey of seniors’ needs.

1995. Research consultant to Colorado Springs Utilities Department on survey of customers.

1994. Participant, Federal Emergency Management Agency National Mitigation Strategy Forum to identify policies that would reduce the losses of life and property due to natural and technological hazards.

1994. Grant writer for successful proposal to the Foundation for World Education for an international conference of support centers for the international community of Auroville, India.

1994. Community development and design creation strategist for the Manitou Springs Downtown Beautification Project.

1994. Trails development advisor, Ute Pass Tails Committee.

1993. “Environmental and Cultural Sustainability in Auroville, India,” presentation at the Starsmore Discovery Center, Colorado Springs.

1993. Agriculture education program advisor, Institute for Studies and Transformations, Ahmedabad, India.

1993. Organizer of inter-agency workshop and action-oriented task forces to deal with the problems of minority and disadvantaged youth in the Pikes Peak Region.

1993. Fund raiser for Regenerative Agriculture Project in Auroville, India.

1993. Campus liaison to K-12 educators implementing service-learning programs in southeast Colorado.

1993. Consultant to El Paso County Park Department on the use of citizen participation techniques to resolve park planning issues.

1992. Consultant and fund raiser for newly developing comprehensive assistance program for troubled youth in Colorado Springs.

1992. Citizen participation consultant to Fountain-Ft. Carson School District and contending staff and citizen groups.

1992. Vice President and organizer of Garden of the Gods Neighborhood Association, Colorado Springs.

1889-1991. Elected member of the Board of Directors of the Applied Geography Specialty Group of the Association of American Geographers.

1991. Geography curriculum advisor and coordinator of book drive for higher education center for community of Auroville, South India.

1991. Program development advisor, Nonprofit Assistance Center, Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce.

1991. Grant Writer for Drug, Alcohol Resource Team, Rocky Ford, Colorado.

1991. Long Range Planning Committee Member, Colorado Springs Symphony.

1991. Long Range Planning Advisor, Pikes Peak Library District, Colorado Spring, Colorado.

1991. Neighborhood Planning Advisor, Boulder Park Neighborhood Association, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

1991. Town Home Association Management Advisor, Broadway Heights Town home Association, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

1990-1991. Board Member, Colorado Springs Energy Resource Center (member, Long Range Planning and Recycling Committees).

1990. “Team Building and Service in Home Energy Conservation Organizations,” two-day training for directors of Colorado Energy Resource Centers.

1990. “Team building and Service,” training for employees of the Energy Resource Center of the Pikes Peak Region

1990. Advisor/facilitator on neighborhood planning and community development options for Rustic Hills Neighborhood, Colorado Springs.

1990. Member, Public Service Recognition Week Planning Committee.

1990. Grant Writer, Mitchell High School/Community Grant, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

1990. Advisor to The Teller County Economic Development Council on computer assisted, commercial property marketing.

1989. Advisor to Tri-Lakes Area Community Center Development Project, El Paso County, Colorado.

1989. CU-Colorado Springs representative to Colorado Springs comprehensive plan rewrite committee.

1989. Consultant to the United Neighborhoods Association of Lubbock, TX on downtown redevelopment.

1989. CU-Colorado Springs representative to University-wide consortium of outreach units.

1989. Program selection team member to evaluate and recommend communities for participation in development programs administered by the Colorado Department of Local Affairs.

1989. Guest on radio shows on KSSS and KVUU (in Colorado Springs) to promote National Geography Awareness Week.

1989. CU-Colorado Springs representative to North Colorado Springs Entryway Design Committee, Partnership for Community Design.

1989-1990. Block captain for North End Homeowners Association Master Planning Project.

1988-1989. CU-Colorado Springs representative to Colorado Department of Local Affairs Resource Team to provide small communities with technical assistance.

1988. Consultant to group developing the Mark Twain Neighborhood Association in a previously unrepresented area of Colorado Springs.

1988. Consultant to Colorado Springs child care interest group on research and planning activities to develop a community-wide child care referral system.

1988. Coordinator and presenter at neighborhood planning seminar designed by the Colorado Springs Planning Division.

1988. Presentation to Colorado Springs Citizens Goals’ Leadership Development Class on group dynamics in community planning decision making.

1988. Presentation on t’ai chi for and with seniors on KKTV for series on senior fitness.

1988. Consultant to Baca Grande group developing a community and learning center near Crestone, Colorado.

1988. Consultant to Manitou Springs Library on client survey project.

1988. Consultant to Pikes Peak Area Agency on Aging to review questionnaire for survey project.

1988. Consultant to Colorado Springs Planning Division on areal sampling techniques for redevelopment project.

1988. Consultant to Colorado Springs Interstate-25 Corridor Planning Committee.

1988. Consultant to Colorado Springs Land Management Office on employee geographic skill development.

1988. University representative to kickoff meeting of small towns participating in the Colorado Initiatives Program for community development.

1988. Consultant to Colorado Division of Wildlife on strategies for citizen involvement in decisions regarding proposed expansion of Trinidad Reservoir.

1988. Consultant to local groups organizing surveys of homeless people in El Paso County, Colorado.

1988. Designed and taught T’ai Chi classes at Colorado Springs Senior Center.

1987. Co-organized and co-moderated (with P. J. Winham, League of Women Voters) forum entitled “Waterways of the Pikes Peak Region: Problems and Opportunities” that presented to and elicited from 100 citizens, opinions on how waterways could be developed and maintained to meet numerous goals.

1987. Provided information from computerized survey data base on the housing needs of local low income people to The Myron Stratton Home for long range planning of housing for low income seniors in El Paso County.

1987. Provided information from computerized survey data base on the housing needs of local low income people to The United Way for the development of a proposal for funding to increase the quantity of low income housing in El Paso County.

1987. Developed computerized database and mapping parameters for Pikes Peak regional flood plain management.

1987. Consultation with Palmer Lake, Colorado elected officials on economic and community development processes.

1987. Member, President’s Advisory Committee, Myron Stratton Home, (indigent care facility for seniors and emotionally disturbed youth) Colorado Springs.

1986. Half-hour talk show on KPIK Radio discussing University-community relations and CCDD projects of interest to the community.

1986. Consultation with the Prairie Partnership of Winnipeg, Manitoba, on the establishment of community development practices in Winnipeg.

1986. Consultation with Palmer Lake community on various issues.

1986. Consultation with Federal Emergency Management Agency on generalizable strategies for developing local and regional flood hazard mitigation plans.

1986. Consultation with Meadowlake Airport about application for FAA reliever status.

1986. T’ai Chi Chuan demonstration for seniors at Colorado Springs Senior Center.

1986. Served on board of advisors that will develop a strategy for developing and implementing urban design guidelines for Colorado Springs.

1986. Consultation with El Paso County Division of Emergency Services on Flash Flood Preparedness Workshop.

1986. Consultation with Concerned West side Neighbors on plans to renovate Highway 24 – Fountain Creek Corridor.

1986-1988. Helped establish and facilitate meetings designed to establish a multi-community drainage and flood control district.

1986-1988. Helped establish and facilitate meetings for multi-community Flood Warning System Task Force to advocate for the creation of a flood warning system for El Paso County communities. System became operational in 1988.

1986. Designed, organized, and facilitated conference on Flood Warning Systems for communities in the Pikes Peak Region.

1986. Helped organize Manitou Springs Task Force for flood hazard mitigation planning.

1985. Consultation with Colorado State Legislature on the social and economic costs of prison location selection.

1985. Consultation with San Luis Volunteer Ambulance Service about grant opportunities and application procedures.

1985. Consultation with Middle Shooks Run Neighborhood Association on strategies for membership drive and project development.

1985. Developed and facilitated one day seminar on local environmental issues for Citizen’s Goals Leadership Training Program.

1985. Consultation with local refugee service providers on the development of community gardens.

1985. Consultation with Pueblo neighborhood association on redesign alternatives for its business district.

1985. Served on Citizen’s Goals Advisory Board that developed and implemented a computerized system for cataloguing and accessing growth-related studies at Penrose Library.

1985. Served on West Side Communication Council Logo Selection Committee.

1985-1986. Served on West Side Communication Council, consortium of groups developing renovation strategies for the West Side Neighborhood of Colorado Springs.

1985. Advised student intern assisting Colorado Springs Neighborhood Housing Services with community needs survey.

1984. Consultation with town of Rocky Ford on renovation strategies.

1984. Consultation with town of La Junta on renovation strategies.

1984. Consultation with local service agencies on marketing study for proposed senior center development.

1979. Consultation with Cherry Hill Community, Seattle, Washington on ways to investigate insurance redlining.

1974. Minister of Environment & Planning, Student Government, University of Georgia.


1997-1999. College representative to University Faculty Service and Rewards Committee.

1996. Research director for survey of campus heath care needs.

1994-1995. Representative to inter-campus committee to evaluate software and procedures for alternative fiscal management systems.

1992-1996. Campus Liaison to Colorado Campus Compact Student Service Programs and coordinator for campus service grants.

1990-1996 Campus Coordinator, CU-ACCESS Program to link businesses and community organizations to University-Wide assistance.

1995. Trainer of high school and community college teachers, students and administrators in the art of developing and sustaining a service learning program.

1994. Participant, National Mitigation Strategy Forum, Federal Emergency Management Agency.

1994. Collaboration in the development of the Colorado Springs Partnership Program for the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.

1994. Consultation with UCCS Library staff on the development of a volunteer program to provide staff for the Library (and possibly other campus units).

1994. Market analysis for proposed UCCS child care center.

1993. Grant reviewer, Small Business Innovation Research Program, U.S. Department of Agriculture.

1993. Member, Anderson Medal for Excellence in Applied Geography Selection Committee of The Association of American Geographers.

1990. Member, planning team developing options for campus-wide, multiple-waste recycling efforts.

1990. Acting Chair, Applied Geography Specialty Group, Association of American Geographers.

1990. Member, Campus Q-TIPS (Quality Training in Professional Service) Task Force.

1990-1992. Member, Executive Committee of The Outreach Coalition of System-Wide, Service-Providing Organizations.

1990. Advisor on geographical program options, Colorado Council on the Arts and Humanities.

1987-1991. Member, Board of Directors, Applied Geography Specialty Group, Association of American Geographers.

1989. Co-developer of campus/community environmental lecture series.

1988. Co-coordinator of CU-Colorado Springs activities to promote National Geography Week.

1988. CU-Colorado Springs representative to Four Campus Outreach Committee with mission to make more University resources available to Colorado communities.

1987. Chair Honorary Degrees and Awards Committee, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.

1986-1988. Leisure and Intramural Council, faculty representative.

1986. Consultation with State University of New York at Syracuse, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, on the development of a community research and design center.

1986. Consultation with area librarians on University of Colorado at Colorado Springs’ ability to meet research needs.

1986. Advised Central Administration on the development of a regional studies program.

1986. Advised Central Administration on the development of a computerized faculty resume data bank.

1986. Consultation with Associate Vice President for Human Relations on strategies to facilitate faculty and community development simultaneously.

1986. Survey of University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Faculty on opinions about the value of university and community service in tenure and promotion decisions.

1986. Consultation with University of Washington on the development of a community research and design center.

1985-1986 Chair, Services and Resources Committee, University of Colorado At Colorado Springs Faculty Senate.

1985-1989. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Faculty representative to 3-campus Urban Campus/Urban Mission committee to develop strategies for improving University/Community relations in all areas.

1985. Consultation and fund raising assistance for grant to study El Paso County oral histories in a major rural development corridor (funded with $9,110 from Colorado Commission on the Arts and Humanities).

1985. Served on University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Contemporary Art Gallery Logo Selection Committee.

1975. Established newspaper recycling system for University of Georgia while serving as Minister of Planning and the Environment, with student government.